Total of 5 Credits - Externally Assessed
Sigma Mathematics Workbook 'AS 1.4 Mathematical Reasoning’ is a write-on student resource.
This book contains notes and practice questions on mathematical methods across the Number, Measurement, Algebra and Geometry strands which comprise 1.4 Mathematical Reasoning.
The assessment for this standard is an external exam. It is unlikely to be able to incorporate all the possible methods that are part of this standard and a combination of methods linked across number, algebra, measurement, and geometry and space may be required in the question. Where a specific formula is required, it should be provided through a formula sheet or the wording of the question. Working out must be shown, correct answers only will not be accepted as this standard is assessing mathematical reasoning skills.
Students are able to and encouraged to use a calculator in their learning and assessment for this standard. A graphing calculator of the type on the approved NZQA list is an advantage for this exam. Instructions in this book relate to the Casio fx-9750 GIII.