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Focus on Statistics

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This book contains notes, questions and practice investigations for the different types of investigation for 1.1 “Explore data using a Statistical Enquiry Process. The four options for the assessment of this standard are: Comparison Investigation (Multivariate Data), Relationship Investigation (Bivariate Data), Time Series Investigation and Experimental Probability Investigation. One of these investigations only needs to be submitted to achieve the standard. This standard is internally assessed and is worth 5 credits. Students are also able to and encouraged to use appropriate technology, such as graphing calculators/software  in their learning and assessment for this standard. Instructions in this book relate to the Casio fx-9750 and fx-9860 GIII.

Also in this book are notes and questions relevant to the Statistical Literacy component of 1.3 “Interpret and apply mathematical and statistical information in context”. This standard is externally assessed via a digital Common Assessment Activity and is worth 5 credits.