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Getting Familiar with the Unfamiliar 3

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Do your students think responding to 'unfamiliar texts' is one of the harder assessments?
Or, is it the part of English they relish?
Our authors think it's actually the best and easiest to write on and to prove a case. They’ve put together a workbook to help your class to read and analyse a range of texts and communicate that understanding in a clear and convincing way. They have selected from the best of writing from Aotearoa New Zealand so hope your students will enjoy 'meeting' some of our fabulous writers and poets.
Getting Familiar with the Unfamiliar 3 is an easy to follow workbook that will prepare students to tackle the Unfamiliar Text exam at the end of the year.
Once completed, students will be able to read any text they encounter with confidence and write a thoughtful response to it.