The new edition of Walker Maths 3.8 Time Series has been significantly restructured. The first section of the workbook covers the requirements for a basic report, while the second section supports students to improve a basic report into one that is more comprehensive. This new edition places more emphasis on understanding and interpretation. It also includes updated data sets. Walker Maths is a series of single standard workbooks containing high-quality, up to date material at NCEA Mathematics levels 1, 2 and 3. The well-designed, write-on workbooks contain teaching material, including relevant formulae, and ample practice exercises along with sample tasks and questions. The workbooks reflect the content and style of the new standards, and allow teachers total flexibility in course design for students at all levels. As a single standard series, Walker Maths offers Maths department the ability to buy titles all at once, or throughout the year as required. A Walker Maths Digital Teacher Resource is available for $9.95 per year for a single download. Each Digital Teacher Resource includes a Walker Maths projection file. Plus a selection of ' Worksheets ' Extra questions ' Teacher notes ' Videos ' Puzzle sheets ' Practice quizzes ' Worked solutions Schools qualify by adopting the corresponding workbook. Please contact your Sales Representative for more information.